25 abril 2006

La otra cara de los accidentes

Pedro tiene 27 años, está fastidiado de los riñones y tiene que filtrar todas las noches su sangre durante 8 horas conectado a una máquina. En ocasiones le hemos propuesto que se venga a Madrid, a hacernos una visita pero siempre rechaza la invitación.

Pensé que era por el inconveniente de tener que viajar con la máquina de diálisis, pero el otro día me contó la razón: Está en lista de espera para un transplante de riñones. Cuando hay un puente, varios días festivos o es inicio/ final de las vacaciones, hay muchos accidentes de tráfico y por lo tanto las posibilidades de que aparezca un donante de riñón aumentan. Como la lista de espera para asignación de órganos es geográfica y llaman a varios candidatos susceptibles de recibir el órgano, es preferible permanecer cerca del domicilio habitual, para llegar cuanto antes al hospital.

Resulta duro, pero hay gente que está deseando que haya accidentes para poder seguir viviendo. Nunca lo hubiera pensado.

123 comentarios:

criztina dijo...

Las dos caras de la moneda....

Michi dijo...

Desean que les llegue un organo no que haya accidentes (o eso quiero pensar), escrito asi parecen unos cabroncetes haciendo vudu y esperando que muera alguien... :)

Anónimo dijo...

Lamentablemente, entre el estado de las carreteras y los cafres que hay al volante, no se necesita desear que haya accidentes mortales...

Pedro simplemente tiene que sentarse a esperar, sin que necesite desearle mal a nadie...

Click dijo...

pues efectivamente asi es, por lo que todos deberiamos de ser donantes ya que todos viajamos y nunca se sabe cuando nos puede tocar (al otro lado tambien podemos estar).

Click - siempre se ha dicho que los moteros somos donantes de organos en potencia. :-((

Anónimo dijo...

ufff, toco madera.

Anónimo dijo...

Bueno, mi perspectiva es algo más umbría. Aquí hay más de un interesado en que siga habiendo accidentes o infractores. Y los que parecen desearlo, no necesariamente están enfermos, excepto mentalmente, acaso.

Me pareció excelente el "repaso" que le han dado a los impresentables de la DGT, el otro día, en Tele 5, demostrando lo peligroso que es, a veces, cumplir las normas, desenmascarando su política recaudatoria y cómplice homicida.

- Tres coches circularon a 50 km h/ (clavados) por la Castellana (Madrid) ocupando los tres carriles en dirección a Cibeles. Esa es la velocidad máxima. Al principio, los insultaban y tocaban el claxon. Finalmente, en un semáforo, un taxista llegó a bajarse e increpar a los del "experimento", amenazador, mientras ellos le recordaban que iban al máximo permitido. Ni por esas. Abandonaron antes de que les partieran la cara.

- La misma experiencia, en la M-30 a 90 clavados. Idéntico resultado. Aquí no había semáforos, pero todos pasaban increpando a los conductores del experimento, incluso un autobús serpenteó peligrosamente, cambiando de carril para adelantarlos (iba lleno de gente) y se colocaba a 50 cm del parachoques de uno de ellos.

- Señalaron los puntos negros de las carreteras españolas. Ni un sólo radar en tales puntos. Los radares, en las autopistas, en plenas rectas, donde ocurren MENOS accidentes (EL 78 % ocurren en carreteras convencionales).

- Los responsables de la DGT entrevistados hicieron autocrítica NULA. Siempre la culpa es del conductor.

- Los controles de alcoholemia visitados por las cámaras, no se situaban donde los jóvenes beben, sino en puntos intermedios de los itinerarios.


- Muchos de los conductores son maleducados e irresponsables (la prueba evidente, amenazar al que va a la velocidad correcta).

- La DGT establece limitaciones de velocidad adecuadas a su política recaudatoria, con independencia del estado de la carretera.

- Los agentes no se muestran, ejerciendo presión psicológica sobre el conductor, sino que se esconden, sabedores de que habrá infractores. Son cómplices de lo que está ocurriendo, si no directamente de las muertes, sí de generar un estrés absurdo e innecesario. Asquerosamente monetario.

- No importa que la gente beba y conduzca. No es importante hacer acto de presencia y recomendar prudencia bebiendo, sino esperar a los que han bebido y pararlos para multarlos.


No tengo ni idea de qué se puede hacer para cambiar esto, cuando parece que estamos implicados todos. ¿Tal vez a base de SMS? Estoy asqueado.

Galufante dijo...

Afortunadamente o desgraciadamente, según se mire, en este país existe un elevado número de donantes de órganos...Si alguna persona se puede beneficiar y contribuir a alargar su vida o remediar algún grave problema fisiológico, creo que es algo que no se puede denegar...Vaya mi reconocimiento para todos esos infaustos donantes de órganos que no eligieron su trágico final...


celemin dijo...

Ya comenté en blogosferadirecto.blogspot.com (publicidad subliminal :) algo sobre la campaña de la DGT para semana santa. Creo que la única forma de que no corramos es haciendo coches que no corran. (Yo por lo menos no puedo evitar a veces el correr un poco, ¿y vosotros?)
Las campañas educativas están bien, pero no las hacen. A mi me gustaba aquel programa de "la segunda oportunidad".

Aprovecho siempre que sale el tema para aconsejar el uso de las luces de cruce siempre que se circule por vías de doble sentido. Esto tan simple evitaría muchos accidentes.

Lucre dijo...

pues eso es lo que pense yo cuando le hiciero el transplante de higado al padre de mi amigo R el adoptado.
La pena es que tenga que morir alguien para que otro viva. Pero quizas el tema seria, "aunque sea una muerte ahroa sirve para algo, si cabe."
ojala tu amigo pronto lo consiga..

Luis Amézaga dijo...

Como dice Michi, seguro que no está deseando que haya accidentes. Pero sabe que los hay. No es lo mismo.

Anónimo dijo...

Como todo en esta vida, también los accidentes tienen su parte "positiva".

Anónimo dijo...

Soy un creyente, creo en la donación. Así que si algún día me pasa algo, que aprovechen de mi hasta el tuétano de los huesos para hacer sopa si es necesario.
En cuanto a las carreteras y los conductores, ¿qué decir que no se haya dicho ya? "Adecuar la velocidad al estado de la vía y de la circulación".
En cuanto al experimento que refiere Monocamy, tú mismo das la respuesta: Muchos de los conductores son maleducados e irresponsables.
Lo que me preocupa es la costumbre que tenemos de que la culpa siempre sea de los demás. "hay accidentes por exceso de velocidad porque las carreteras no están preparadas para las velocidades que pueden alcanzar los coches", en una sola frase nos exculpamos encontrando dos culpables; el gobierno por las carreteras y los fabricantes por hacer vehículos potentes.
No, lo siento, la culpa es de los conductores, y, si respetas las indicaciones te la traerán al pairo los radares y los agentes de tráfico.
Pese a los "reportajes de investigación".

Anónimo dijo...

no creo que desee que haya accidentes
pero la realidad es que los hay
y que de la muerte se puede obtener más vida

Alex Warn dijo...

This will not help you lose weight. In fact it can have the opposite effect because it can slow down your metabolism. Just Keto

Richal dijo...

And a weight loss program that Keto Mode includes exercise does require a commitment and will take time out of your schedule to devote to your weight loss program.

Richal dijo...

This experience will serve him well as keto charge he encounters societal and demographic challenges for underserved and chronically ill patients throughout the southeast area.

Richal dijo...

The best weight loss program for boys 5g Male Plus should incorporate plenty of team sports. Having teammates who count on them to be at their best will force boys to work harder and stay in shape.

Richal dijo...

A good weight loss program is required Green Vibe Keto to make these magic weight loss numbers useful. You can lose weight with just the knowledge you have picked up here today but without

Richal dijo...

I have seen medical people break the Super Cut Keto law of improper food combining, and mixing starches, proteins, and sugars. They do this day in a day our through out the years.

Illeana Menon dijo...

Lipstick application mistakes are obvious because the lips are usually the brightest colored part of the face, and stand out more starkly. Lip Liner Tips

james dijo...

It is common to drink as many as 4 cups of green tea per day while losing fat. Yerba mate actually contains a number of healthy chemicals and vitamins which help to increase the body's ability to boost energy and burn fat. Other benefits include the fact that it is non-addictive, reduces anxiety and can

Ultra Fast Keto Boost

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An anti-wrinkle eye cream is a scientific blend, which is tested by ophthalmologists, and is safe for use around the eye area. An anti-wrinkle eye cream is the perfect match to the pH factor of your tears as well as fragrance-free. Daily use of an anti-wrinkle eye cream aids against the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles. An anti-wrinkle eye cream can make wrinkles appear smaller and shallower if used daily when you already have wrinkles.

Prache Cream

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Millions of customers already have the UV Ultra Vac As Seen On TV in their home and at the office. No other portable vacuum cleaner can offer so much for so little. It is the perfect cleaner to have in daycare centers, in cafeterias, in personal office spaces and at home. Germs and bacteria are everywhere and so are the insects that carry them.

Gentiv Ultra

james dijo...

ENERGY IN (that's the food you eat), minus ENERGY-OUT (that's the exercise you do), equals ENERGY BALANCE (that's the amount you weigh right now). In a nutshell, if your health food weight loss diet plan remains simple, effective, and delicious, then you can stick with it and get the results and rewards you desire or attempt to reach. Easy or not, health food diet planning is necessary, and weight loss diet plan food delivery services can help you with this challenging task.


james dijo...

These may take up to a week to subside as your body get used to the new diet regime. You can also suffer from other problems when you start the keto diet - you may find that you have increased urination, so it is important to keep yourself well hydrated. You may also suffer from keto breath when your body reaches optimal ketosis and you can use a mouthwash or brush your teeth more frequently.

Mega Keto Diet

james dijo...

research is promising and Forskolin should be considered if you have chronic or one time urinary tract infections.
Health Benefits of Forskolin Body Blast.
· Lastly there are no known side effects of this product, and thus it is safe to try for anyone struggling with weight, or even those with the desire to get in shape.

KetoVit Forskolin

james dijo...

Eternal: Platinum is extremely dense, making it more durable than other jewelry metals. In comparison, platinum is about 40% heavier than 18k gold and 60% heavier than 14k gold. Platinum does not change shape or wear away after years of use. Platinum does scratch, just like any other metal, but when it does, no metal is lost but is just merely displaced. When gold scratches, the metal is actually lost. This explains why gold rings need new half-shanks after a few years of use, while platinum rings do not. Many people feel at ease using platinum because they know their precious and sentimental stones are held firmly and securely.

Platinum Fit Keto

james dijo...

Plastic bins and plastic toes are magnificent for storing seasonal bits and pieces that are used a lot fewer.. Utilizing vertical room, the lid allows you to stack extra belongs on top of the bins and totes. Naturally, using larger bins will give you more room to amass at a much lower cost. You have to love these great closet organizer systems and closet organizer ideas to maximize breathing space, hoard funds, and making seeking your stored clothing much better.

Swift Trim Keto

james dijo...

As the saying goes, "We are what we eat." If we eat crap, guess what? However, if we learn to eat well then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we'll also feel better about ourselves to boot.
One of the quickest changes you can make to your diet when trying to lose weight is to ditch all the junk food you may be used to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and start eating more vegetables.

Keto Slim RX

james dijo...

that are used in these natural enhancer pills have been in use by natives for many years to increase male libido. Roots like the tongat ali have been known to be used for many centuries to increase sexual stamina.


james dijo...

As the saying goes, "We are what we eat." If we eat crap, guess what? However, if we learn to eat well then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we'll also feel better about ourselves to boot.
One of the quickest changes you can make to your diet when trying to lose weight is to ditch all the junk food you may be used to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and start eating more vegetables.

Amayze Life Keto

james dijo...

You will need to plan and prepare these meals ahead of time and take them with you wherever you go. This is the secret that will make this strategy successful. This way there will be no excuse to eat the wrong foods and you will never get over hungry.

Himbeer Ketone

james dijo...

After enrolling in a weight loss spa, you will be partnered with a health professional that you will be working closely with. The aim of this is to develop a highly-personalized diet and exercise program that matches your preference and your pace.

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Annie Jhons dijo...

UVA rays can damage your skin just as easily in winter months as they can in the summer. It's important to keep skin protected and minimize the damage that can cause wrinkles, sun spots, and skin cancer. FairyMines

james dijo...

Eating three adjusted, direct parcel dinners a day-with the fundamental supper at early afternoon is a more powerful approach to anticipate corpulence than fasting or crash diets, which persuade the body that there is a progressing starvation. Advanced medication has discovered approaches to augment our life expectancy through dietary limitation.

Nuvo Ketosis Diet

james dijo...

substance it has some effect on the brain and it suppresses the pain for a short time only, but it increases many other problems that cause even more joint pain. The other issue with alcohol is that it spreads into the entire body including the blood stream and it weakens the

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As well as heart disease, anybody suffering from high blood pressure together with having high cholesterol levels might also create a situation putting them in danger of a stroke. Strokes usually happen if blood, and consequently oxygen, cannot find its way to the brain.

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Illeana Menon dijo...

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james dijo...

How many people do you know, who actually kept it off?
So, dieting is just not an option, if you want to keep the weight off for good.
Weight Loss Pills
Most weight loss pills or diet pills are nothing more than appetite suppressants, which help to take away food cravings so that you don't eat, or don't eat as much.

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When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, the most important thing isn't diet or exercise. It's motivation. If you can keep motivated, you can meet your goals, become more physically fit, and live a healthier lifestyle.

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james dijo...

While the lack of an actual face to face presence can make the last item a little harder, all of the other items are actually benefited by having the relationship be online. The online process lends itself to keeping more accurate records of all conversations, or in this case

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Unknown dijo...

Recipes you didn't like can just go into the recycling. If it is a recipe you still want to try I would suggest one of two options. Trendy Mumi

james dijo...

that cost 50-1000 dollars a month. If it's normal to just lose 1 pound a week, you can keep someone who needs to lose 80 pounds on that diet for 80 weeks! That's a good amount of cash! If you look to the Mayo Clinic website there are multiple articles explaining against

Keto Regime

james dijo...

I am not going to list all the benefits of regular exercise here, but regular exercise has positive effects on your metabolism, allows you to eat more calories yet still be in a calorie deficit, and can help preserve lean body mass (LBM) which is essential to your health and

Trubodx Keto

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dreams, the beginnings of profound change, tailored exactly to your wishes.
period. The inability to relax and experience a restful sleep is known as condition Insomnia, and it affects millions of Americans, 6% to 10% of all adults.

Upright Go Posture Training

james dijo...

Everyone I've trained and otherwise helped has experienced the same phenomenon, but the thresholds vary. I've known a few rare people that can diet lower than 10% without adding cardio, but most people can't break double-digit body fat percentages without a very strict diet and regular cardio routine.

Bionatrol Keto Burn

james dijo...

These are going to be present in any well-developed weight loss program. Your success is dependent on what you are realistically willing and able to commit to with regard to each of these factors. Let's face it, purchasing a weight loss program does not guarantee success, you

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A few specialists trust health food nuts have better control on the off chance that they eat a few smaller than expected suppers for the duration of the day. Exercise and an adjusted eating regimen are the key considers fat misfortune and weight decrease.
Drinking water is a standout among the fastest Weight loss tips that dieticians propose to individuals and prompts 100+ calories additional blazed a day.

Keto Extreme

james dijo...

In addition to using restrictive diets, some people also attempt to significantly increase their activity. This has a similar effect to that of a calorie-restricting diet, but it increases the amount of energy spent rather than decreasing what goes in. Increased activity tends to require greater schedule and lifestyle changes than simply changing your eating habits, but it

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james dijo...

pursuit. Once you've accurately identified this reason/reasons, motivating yourself toward that goal/goals is a much more enjoyable process. Once this happens, the weight loss process is not so much about the weight as much as it's all about you! And that is exactly how it should be.

Ketogenic Valley Keto

james dijo...

designed to produce sales more than results. These programs tend to be very demanding, have very rigid diet expectations and often lead to injury for those not prepared to handle the demands the program requires. Do your homework and find a program that is designed with you in mind.

Rapid Fast Keto Boost

Lettey jones dijo...

A male enhancement product works in many different ways for various people. Therefore, don't just employ a penile enhancement product because it worked so effectively for one of your friends. The same product simply might not work for your needs, in the same way. Also, some penile enhancement items, such as the pills, don't suit all the men who buy them.

Bandox Extreme

Super cut dijo...

Yes, there is many other ways to improve your sexual health. Among other possible ways to improve your sexual health are exercising routinely, eating better, quitting smoking, and quitting drinking. However, the best possible solution would be doing all of these previously mentioned healthy lifestyle activities and combine them with an enhancement pill.

Zylophin RX

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loss and quick weight loss journey. With either method, use the pyramid set structure. This means to increase your weight with each set of the exercise, and complete 3 sets per exercise. Refer to my fitness tuning website, listed below, if further information is needed regarding healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercises or exercise techniques.

Iron Slim Keto

Darrin Lesch dijo...

Male enhancement treatments are popular because of the large number of men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Men can have different choices of treatments but it is important to have knowledge on safety of male enhancements.


james dijo...

Most commercial media monitoring services are subscription based with a monthly fee for on-going service. While some services - usually ones that evolved from old-fashioned press clipping services - charge an additional fee for each delivered clip, most of the newer online

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Penis enhancement pills are also great natural enhancers as they contain proven to work, aphrodisiac herbs which nourish the male sex system resulting in great results. You can expect harder and stronger erections, increased libido as well as an increase in semen supply resulting in a better orgasm. The penis enhancement pills can be used with other natural male enhancers for optimal results.

Nano XL

james dijo...

Being overweight is too often viewed as a temporary problem that can be treated for a few months with a diet. But as most overweight people know, weight control must be considered a lifelong effort. To be safe and effective, any weight loss program must address the long-term approach of diet AND exercise, or else the program is largely a waste of money and effort.

KetoPower Boost

james dijo...

It is now thought that the major factor controlling how much you weigh is not your level of physical activity, but how much food you eat in relation to your level of physical activity. If you consume more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight and you will keep it on.

Insta Keto

Crestor dijo...

Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it's OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.

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Super cut dijo...

Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you desire.
pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet?

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You will find numerous male enhancement items available for sale. The manufacturers of these items make ample offers to men like growing your penis as big as you want, enhancing the sexual drive and much more. The promises of the manufacturers creating these types of

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Super cut dijo...

interdisclinary team when it comes to their care. If this technique is used it will enhance the quality of life for the clients.


james dijo...

Male enhancement formulas frequently make claims to increase stamina, improve erection strength, libido and enhance overall feelings of well being. Often specific sexual benefits of products in this category are not clear on the label or advertising. These products are found

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USA Fitness Plan dijo...

In theory any diet can work. The problem is not so much in the "plan" but rather in the execution of that plan. Think about it. If you really stick to a diet the way its recommended, will you lose weight?
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Muscle Loss All bodily tissue requires energy to maintain itself, including fat. Muscle requires FIVE TIMES the amount of energy to maintain itself than fat does. The higher the muscle percentage in your body the greater your caloric needs. Unfortunately, diets sometimes lead to muscle loss. The bodies primary source of energy is carbohydrates, followed by protein

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Lepidium meyenii or Maca is an herbaceous biennial or annual plant native to the high Andes of Peru. Maca's high concentration of proteins and vital nutrients increase energy levels and enhance fertility. Small-scale clinical trials performed in men have shown that maca extracts

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However, if you are truly committed to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable weight loss goals you can and will do it by following the plan above. Now, for your benefit let's go a little deeper into each step of the plan.

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james dijo...

you can usually get any kind of tree you want to have. Fir trees are always a great choice and the three that stand out are the Noble, Douglas, and Frasier Firs. The boughs of these Firs are usually very full and they smell terrific. The Blue Spruce is an excellent choice for the same reasons as the Firs. Some pines are also very good for Christmas decorating too.

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james dijo...

represent as much as 50% of total weight lost in the first week. There are several factors that contribute to a weight loss plateau including (but not limited to);

Velocity Trim Keto

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This expression fits perfectly with the next essential step in how to decide what eating plan you should follow to lose weight permanently. Will the diet plan you are considering teach you how to eat long term, or does it spoon-feed you information? Will the diet rely on

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The most effective program in the world is useless if you don't do it. I know this first-hand. I've has women sign-up for my Body Fat Meltdown weight loss program and proceed to lose twenty-four pounds in the first thirty days. On the other hand I've had women sign-up and

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Losing weight (even a lot of weight) is not rocket science. So rest assured that anyone can do it, even you. However, it will require all the patience, discipline, determination and perseverance you can muster.

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What is Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium Sagittatum)? Horny Goat Weedis a hardy perennial reported to have aphrodisiac qualities. This affect was allegedly discovered by a Chinese goat herder who noticed sexual activity in his flock after they ate the weed. Used to restore sexual

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Let's face it, it is no secret that women take longer to climax then men and the main reason for this is that the actual location of that "secret spot" usually lies somewhere deeper than most men can reach without a little help. This is the reason for the various different positions, many which have been created specifically to help satisfy your female lover.

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increasing semen volume. Semen volume pills are usually responsible for the "cumshot" scenes found in adult movies. Many volume pills also enhance pleasure, increase libido and have positive effects on sperm unless they are solely intended for male fertility improvement. A sub category of the semen volume pills are supplements that only focus on

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your strength will build enough for you to do ten repetitions of the third exercise. This is the fitness tuning method of Phase II of your healthy weight loss and a quick weight loss, and has been working for fitness enthusiasts for years.

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Having an excellent metabolism fee and digestion price isn't less than a blessing for a wholesome and match frame. It evidently manipulate your weight by eliminating pollution and fats clearly. You are going to revel in higher strength and stamina. So, are you equipped to turn the desk of a healthy frame, slender and in shape one to your facet. To get the excellent result use this product for constantly 90 days. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/825425437938916255/

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Plus, many other people love that this can help unlock fat stores and burn them away. So, you’re hitting weight loss with a one-two punch! If you want extreme outcomes, you seriously need to buy Natures preference Keto drugs for your self! Faucet any picture to get yours now! https://medium.com/@ajajsuensu/sure-cleanse-keto-diet-pills-the-easy-way-to-start-keto-review-d1ff33bd8526

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Semen or sperm pills are not designed to enlarge the penis or target stamina. Common ingredients include zinc which is essential for sperm production and Swedish flower pollen as well as other ingredients that enhance sperm quality and sperm count.

Superior Flux Male Enhancement

Edward dijo...

interfere with the body's use of most nutrients. If soil can grow crops, the food produced is nutritious. When soil lacks minerals, plants don't grow properly and may not produce their potential yield. Growing area does affect a food's iodine and selenium contents.Renegade Keto

Healing Equilibrium dijo...

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The drug additionally improves the strength of an erection, as the producers of Supplement Reviews Male say. That is also very fishy because it is not even possible with a replacement. The business enterprise retains the approach within the penile chambers for more time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mR-SAaDr7tQ&feature=youtu.be

james dijo...

I'm not saying that there aren't programs that could benefit anyone and everyone, but I am saying that you are more likely to be successful when you sign-up for a program that is directed at people just like you. Programs that attempt to cater to everyone are typically designed to produce sales more than results. These programs tend to be very demanding, have very rigid diet expectations and often lead to injury for those not prepared to handle the demands the

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james dijo...

also be too narrow. Narrow shoes cause problems as well. Narrow shoes push the balls of your feet together and pinch nerves in-between the balls of your feet which can cause painful "neuromas" in the forefoot. Neuromas are horribly problematic, and if non-responsive to

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circles, is seen as the ultimate definition of a man's masculinity. Various male enhancement pills, of course, have varying degrees of efficacy at this task; with some having what are referred to as 'proven results,' whereas others are said to be scams creating the sole purpose of fleecing people off their hard earned money. Our focus here, at least for now though, is on the male enhancement pills that really deliver results, and the question is as to just how they

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Male enhancement videos are found scattered all over the internet. However, there are only devices or male extenders, and other products sold in the market that are advertised to be effective in enhancing or enlarging your penis. Sites like Maleenhancementvideos.com,
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That is a completely crucial component to be aware down in addition to remember that dosage information must be well examine and it should be carried out and implemented whilst taking day by day doses. It tells about the quantity of the dose we want to eat. The product SurgenX Keto weight loss program doses must be ate up as a great deal as it's miles cited neither more nor less. https://www.quora.com/SurgenX-Keto-what-is-it/answer/Kylie-Jenner-162?prompt_topic_bio=1

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hard to stay on a routine when you are busy at work and caring for the kids. It doesn't leave much time for you. But finding the time to incorporate cardiovascular exercise and resistance training is important, if you want to maintain a healthy weight loss, and preserve the muscle tone and aesthetic look of your body.

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Exercise is the key to sustainable, long lasting and real weight loss. For every pound you lose by eating right and exercising that is one more pound that will never come back to haunt you.
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Luxe Trim Keto
It gives consumer’s the threshold they want once they’re looking to shed the ones few more pounds or trim an inch of fats or two. One of the high-quality things about this supplement is that it takes the efforts that you’re already putting forward and makes them lots extra effective. No matter what stage of your weight loss plan you’re in, this formula let you reap your desires. We’ll inform you all about it in our Luxe Trim Keto assessment! All you have to do is keep analyzing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCuqwQTv8XA

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Regulates Blood Sugar ranges
Despite the fact that ACV advantages do no longer encompass diabetes treatment but they do assist in retaining ordinary blood sugar levels. If the blood sugar levels are not maintained for your frame, you could be susceptible to diabetes. This complement prevents that from occurring. https://luxetrimketo.blogspot.com/2019/12/luxe-trim-keto-ultimate-supplement-to.html

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It is also an natural extract added within the supplement to boost sexual pressure. This complement makes the man or woman stay longer in mattress with a associate. It additionally increases the endurance fee for boosted delight. https://formaxleanreviews.blogspot.com/2019/12/formax-lean-reviews-testo-boost-does-it.html

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How does it work?
Do you understand the entirety approximately the ketogenic food plan? In this newsletter, we tried to finish all of your doubts about supplements. This has been synthetic the use of many herbal and natural ingredients. So it treats your overweight and weight problems troubles in a herbal manner. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/825425437939416647

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Charge factor:
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What are the benefits of it? : Biogenix Rx
• The superb growth to your muscle mass – the maximum essential and number one advantage of this enhancement capsule is to your sexual stamina

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What are the benefits of it? : Biogenix Rx
• The superb growth to your muscle mass – the maximum essential and number one advantage of this enhancement capsule is to your sexual stamina

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Healing Equilibrium dijo...

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Approximately Keto Twenty One in shape
This system is a dietary supplement that gives a boost to yourself-self belief by lowering greater frame weight. It dissolves the weight out of your whole frame components. https://bloggratuit.yolasite.com/Keto-Twenty-One.php

Healing Equilibrium dijo...

Keto BodyTone We additionally try to ask our customers who use it, but the result remains 0. But we assure you that we are able to update it as soon as we receive one. Thus far, you could use the product or consult with your health practitioner earlier than using it.

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To reserve the Luxe Trim Keto Weight Lose, first you have to go to the advanced Keto professional website with the link asked to click on. Then there all the information can be given just comply with them and get your order located. Do recollect to give your right statistics to get your product to deliver directly to you.

Nurture And Nurse dijo...

Price point: SurgenX Keto
It is an exceptionally affordable product. Less in charge doesn’t suggest we compromised on the high-quality of the supplement. The exceptional is of this product is A-one. You sincerely get a suit and slender frame with the proper taking of this complement. https://app.ex.co/stories/dexir9127510/surgenx-keto-where-to-buy-diet-reviews-price-benefits-and-buy-surgenx-keto-

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BizNutrition This formulation is an awesome and effective weight loss complement and also you need to try it to get higher strength as it lets you stay active and don’t allow you to get worn-out speedy. You may recognize extra approximately this formula by using reading this evaluation.

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Ketogeniks Keto Natural life Keto as its name indicates made in particular for dropping off fats from the high-fats place. It's going to flip the frame capabilities and use more fats as strength reason.
How does natural existence Keto Works
This may assist in enhancing the metabolic fee while metabolism will improve than frame functioning mechanically enhance that excrete out waste product from the frame.
Acton high-fats place unique which might be maximum prominent and has high-fats amount. Produce more ketones that in addition increase the ketosis state and paintings on the usage of fat as an electricity source.
Hunger is every other motive of weight problems that is vital to manipulate if the choice is not beneath control than the person desires to devour extra than weight problems will in no way come.

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Fit Body Keto Through skipping this hunger your body can attend ketosis with the assist of the complement so without problems.

Nurture And Nurse dijo...

Creation to Nature Crave Keto
Nature Crave Keto is a supplement in order to make you narrow due to its high content material of BHB. While deciding on the substances, the producers did research on distinctive styles of ketones and that they observed that BHB was the best of them all.

healthtips dijo...

How does the SBX Male Enhancement improvement work ?
Infused with natural compounds, this product works resultseasily to help you keep terrific erections. Its everyday consumption supports ultimate power by way of regulating blood flow to all parts of your body. It works to optimize the oxygen deliver with its powerful antioxidants. This keeps your circulatory fitness well maintained, enhancing your sexual stamina.

Healthclub dijo...

Dietary Nature Keto Manifestly, there are each current and conventional strategies for dropping the load we are able to see. Dietary Nature Keto is the nice at any point heard enhancement at the well being market. It facilitates the clients in a huge scope of approaches.

Healthclub dijo...

Dietary Nature Keto opinions [UPDATED] – Scamor a reputable product?
Folks who are preventing with their fats have a robust desire to get slim and experience the sector. Anyone merits and desires a perfect body, but today’s life-style does not let us stay that. Ask yourself are you dwelling on the wholesome terms? If yes, then you definitely aren't counted some of the fats and get bullied by way of the human beings round you.

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For dry skin, wash your face with Dermal Pearle Cream
a purifying cream or non-cleanser chemical more than once per day. Apply a best cream or a dry skin salve two Alcohol With No Carbs
times every day. Utilize a high-factor sunscreen day by day that is proper for dry skin. Be careful not to peel Keto Diet And Blood Pressure
constantly in light of the fact that scouring can cause all the more drying.


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Lifelong Journey

Personal health is not a fixed destination, but an ongoing journey. No matter how much we improve, there are always new frontiers. Even Olympic athletes continue striving in their sport. The most knowledgeable individuals stay curious lifelong learners. Our inner and outer worlds are constantly changing, requiring continual alignment to thrive. We must keep observing, assessing and taking proactive steps aligned with our evolving truth.